With the new MAC taste Temptation Lipglasses, Purples reign

wearing the new MAC Revenge Is sweet Lipglass from the taste Temptation collection
Oh, it’s time! On aika! He’s coming on stage. Quick, take out your lighter and hold it up like this while we sing along. “Purples reign! Purrrples reign!”

What do you mean, “Those aren’t the lyrics”?


Of course they are… Okay, sure, I’m changing them a little, but it’s only because I’ve got these new purple MAC taste Temptations Lipglasses ($15 each US, $18 CDN) on my lips and my mind.

There are three of them in the new 16-piece release, and to keep playing with the whole Prince/royalty metaphor, vivid purple Revenge Is sweet commands the royal guard, while pale mauve good Times softly sways the crowd, and shimmery lilac Perky (not shown here in this post) aims to ascend to the purple lipgloss throne.

This morning, after I grabbed my scepter and donned my bejeweled crown, I took two of them, Revenge Is sweet and good Times, out for a tour of the kingdom…


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

Alright, I was actually wearing a pair of stretchy pants, my new hoodie and sitting at my messy desk with Tabs on my lap, but come on, where’s the fun in that??

Revenge Is sweet on the left and good Times on the right
Swatches of good Times on the left and Revenge Is sweet on the Right

Lipglass in good Times

Kosto on suloinen

If All My Purple Life Liplass is your party gloss, then this semi-sheer purple could be your color for weekend brunch. It looks scary dark in the tube, but it applies semi-sheer on me, and when I wear it, I can still see my lips peeking through the pigment. I think it’s super pretty and wearable. A nice alternative to dark purple gloss. Oh, and it has that familiar faint vanilla MAC Lipglass flavor and scent.
Makeup and beauty blog Rating: A

Hyvät ajat

I feel like calling this, “Not Such a good Time.” Yup, this pale, milky mauve applies patchy and catches on every little flake on my lips, and if I apply more than just the thinnest amount, I end up looking straight-up cray. To get this to work, I can only use a little, and I still have to blot most of it off; otherwise, it looks milky and chunky.

And I don’t know… maybe I just got a funky tube, but mine smells a little like melted plastic toys. It’s my least favorite piece from taste Temptation so far.
Makeup and beauty blog Rating: C-

On the cutting edge of cat fashion

As you know, Tabs prefers Prada, so he wasn’t initially excited about these new kitty clothes from United Bamboo.

He’s beginning to come around, though… I’ve been trying to talk him into trying them on. I think he could totally rock the Fishtail Parka, although holy crap! — it’s $98.


Maybe his in-house stylist will have better luck convincing him than I’ve had. I hope so, because that cat just won’t listen to me.

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