Is There a story Behind Your interest in Makeup?

puhu minulle!
Did a pal introduce you to it? Or was it your sister or your mom? Did it happen swiftly or take a long time? Or was it something that cropped up spontaneously — pure makeup happenstance — where you were absolutely oblivious to makeup until the one random day you identified a particular tube of lipstick and BAM! – rakastui? What’s the story behind your interest in makeup? Here’s mine…

First, I was always fascinated by makeup, but my mom, not really being a girly kind of girl, didn’t keep a lot of it around our house, so I didn’t have lots of opportunities to play with it until that one fateful day…


I think I was around six or seven at the time. mommy had gotten a bunch of stuff (a great haul!) at a Mary Kay party, but she never wore any of it. it all ended up in a shower room at home that nobody ever used.

So, I would sneak into the shower room and hold the eyeshadow palette in my hands, gazing at the untouched pans, and thinking that the palette was just about the coolest thing ever.

One morning, I tried to sneak it out of the bathroom, but it was a total fail. I had it under my hey there Kitty t-shirt, and as soon as I stepped into the hallway, it dropped, landing ideal in front of my mom, haha!


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I didn’t get in trouble, but I’m pretty sure my mommy thought the occurrence was weird…

Fast forward a few years to middle school, where I was surrounded by chicks who wore eyeliner. That was the thing at our school at the time — colorful pencil eyeliners in purple, blue and green.

I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup, and I didn’t dare bring it up with my parents because they were strict, so I just stared in envy at my classmates as they lined their eyes in the bathroom.

This was after everyone doused their hair with Aqua Net, of course. Hei! — it was the late ’80s, and we all had hair out to [ here ].

Then, one day, I found a purple Lancome liner in the band room.

Yes, I was a band geek. I know you can picture it, LOL!

I asked around to see if any individual had lost an eyeliner, but no one claimed it. In no time, I was sharpening the idea with my pencil sharpener and drawing a shaky line along my upper lash line in the girls’ bathroom.

Maaaaaaan, that was it. Olin koukussa. For the rest of seventh grade, I wore that pencil nearly every day. Granted, I had no idea what I was doing with it and looked a hot mess — I wish there had been appeal blogs at the time — but I loved it. I’d put it on in the shower room at school every morning, and take it off before going home every afternoon. It was my secret appeal ritual, and the unofficial start of my interest in makeup.

So, my friend. Is there a story behind your interest in makeup? Were you introduced to it by a friend? Did you start wearing it as a teen? Or as an adult? I would love to hear your makeup story in the comments (and please, it doesn’t have to be long or involved). I’d just like to know a little a lot more about you.


Ystävällinen naapuruston valittaa Addict,


P.S. delighted hump day!

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