Makeup ja kauneus blogi maanantaina kysely, vol. 349

The makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll for December 1, 2014
Saatat miettiä: “Mitä tarnation on tämä maanantaina kysely asiakin!?”

No, se ei ole juuri kysely. Se on enemmän jatkuvasti kehittyvästä (harvoin?), Hieman satunnainen luettelo kysymyksistä, jotka olen lukenut lukijoille joka maanantai aamu viimeisten seitsemän vuoden aikana. (Se on kuin Kickstart aivosi.) Olen aina nauttinut lukemalla vastauksia kommenteissa, ja toivon, että nautit lukemastani.

What’s one keepsake you absolutely treasure?
I have this groovy dress that my mom used to wear back in the ’70s. It’s an a-line mini in a beige lace material with an oversized ’70s-style collar, pearl buttons and sheer sleeves.

She gave it to me when I was in high school, and I’ve kept it with me all these years, through 10+ moves.

I’m not normally very sentimental about my clothes, like it’s easy for me to say goodbye to clothes and pass them along to others to love, but I love this dress. My mom designed it for herself and took the design to a seamstress to have it made when she still lived in the Philippines.

I can see her now, my mom, a newly married young woman in the ’70s, tooling about town in her groovy mini dress. maybe in some wedge heels!

Who’s the most generous person you know?
El Hub. That man would give you the shirt off his back, even if it meant he would freeze to death.

We’re having PB&J sandwiches for lunch! What kind of jelly would you like?
Raspberry for me! — or strawberry, if we’re out of raspberry, and if we don’t have either one, marmalade will do.

Just please, no grape jelly. I’m NOT feelin’ that with my PB&J.

Which would you rather do — spend an afternoon putting together a complicated piece of Ikea furniture with 500 screws, or spend an afternoon cleaning out boxes in a dirty, dusty garage filled with cobwebs, spiders and lizards?
Uh…both sound pretty miserable to me, but I guess cleaning out the garage? It would be dirtier, yes, but less mentally taxing.

Something you feel passionate about?
Writing about makeup (obvs), and talking about it, and wearing it, and shopping for it, and taking pictures of it. After almost eight years of talking about makeup on a daily basis, I still enjoy it.

I’m also passionate about adopting strays and shelter animals. Every one of the animals I’ve been lucky enough to assist over the years has been a former stray.

There are so many terrific cats and dogs out there waiting to be loved!


Sinun vuorosi. Kopioi ja liitä seuraavat kysymykset kommenttisi vastauksiin. Odotan lukea “em!

1. What’s one keepsake you absolutely treasure?
2. Who’s the most generous person you know?
3. We’re having PB&J sandwiches for lunch. What kind of jelly would you like?
4. Which would you rather do — spend an afternoon putting together a piece of complicated Ikea furniture with 500 screws, or spend an afternoon cleaning out boxes in a dirty, dusty garage filled with cobwebs, spiders and lizards?
5. Something you’re passionate about?


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt


TIEDÄN! It’s like it silently moonwalked into the room when I was looking the other way.

Have you put your tree up yet? I did go to Target last weekend and got some new ornaments, stockings and lights, but no tree yet. Hopefully, tonight or tomorrow. That’s what we’ve been talking about.

The new Christmas tree balls I got are allegedly shatter-resistant, but we’ll see about that… Tabs is the ultimate sturdiness test.

He always swats at the ornaments and also loves to drink water from the tree stand, even though he knows it’s strictly forbidden.



Have a good one today, whatever you’re up to. try to stay warm out there!

Ystävällinen naapuruston kauneuden addikti,


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