Meikki sekä valitusblogi maanantai kysely, voi. 594

Please keep in mind this all week long, as well as always.

Joten … Mikä on maanantai-kysely?

Erinomainen kysymys! Se ei ole päinvastoin kuin sen nimi, todellinen kysely, kuten bittinen Clicky-painikkeilla. Se on vain viisi paljon enemmän tai vähemmän satunnaisia ​​huolenaiheita, joita olen julkaissut tämän blogin joka maanantaiaamuna aikaisempiin neljänneksen vuosien ajan (vuodesta 2007). Pidän lukemasta vastauksiasi, samoin kuin se auttaa minua saamaan viikon pois suuresta alusta.

1. exactly how well do you pull off slang?

Oh, boy. Ha ha ha! I can’t assist however laugh at this question, since at one point in time I felt like I was “hip” (she states awkwardly!) to the slang right here in the Bay Area, however now I just… I don’t believe I can do it anymore. I just feel uncomfortable when I try it, as well as sometimes, I swear, I don’t understand what people are saying! You understand it’s most likely time to retire your slang routine when you do things like google, “Why do youngsters state Gucci.”

I mean, I will sometimes still throw a “hella” right here as well as there, just since it’s part of my vocabulary DNA (Hey, man, what can I say? I grew up in the east Bay.), however I normally don’t utilize as much slang as I utilized to.

2. What’s your preferred red lipstick?

Most of the time, anything with a coral undertone as well as a matte finish.

Mmm… I like me some bright coral-reds. MAC has this called Relentlessly Red, as well as it is perfection in a tube. ?

3. Do you believe you might effectively manage being a member of a royal family?

HELL, NO, GIRL. I would be the one sibling who’s the black sheep of the household since she’s always doing stuff she’s not meant to as well as chillin’ with improper business since I don’t like being told what to do.

And from my comprehending based on the Disney princess motion pictures as well as every single show I’ve seen about the British royal Family, every public step is choreographed, as well as I would have a tough time with that. I mean, perhaps there’s a minor possibility I’d get in line eventually… minor chance.

4. What do you believe of hair vitamins?

Hmm… I understand they’re a thing now, however I’ve never tried them myself.

I will state this though: my hairdresser buddy Alis states that she’s seen a big difference in her clients who take the Viviscal hair vitamins. Also, from my personal experience, when I was taking prenatals consistently, my hair was thick as well as luscious as well as strong.

Note to self: begin taking prenatals again.

5. Something you do when you requirement to be brave?

This is gonna noise silly, however it works for me. When I’m truly afraid however have to put a take on deal with on, I’ll sit in a peaceful location (sometimes it’s my car), as well as I’ll state out loud to myself over as well as over again, things like, “You can absolutely do this. You’ve got this. You are so strong as well as brave.”

I’ll just repeat those mantras to myself over as well as over again, as well as I’m not speaking one minute or two. I’m speaking like 30 minutes. I’ll do this for a really, really, truly long time, just repeat the exact same things over as well as over again.

And I’m likewise a firm believer in “fake it ’til you make it” in these situations. Like, if you requirement to be strong, act like you are strong, even if you don’t feel like it, as well as I swear, you’ll begin to feel legitimately stronger after a while.

This pet dog is my spirit animal

When the watercolor lipstick pattern hits the canine world…
This magnet makes me laugh (I saw it at Copperfield’s bookstore in Petaluma)! This color is absolutely a his-or-her color. It reminds me of the time I was making dinner, as well as it got suspiciously peaceful in the living space where Connor was playing… When I looked over at her, she had red marker around her lips, as well as when I asked her what she was doing, she said, extremely matter-of-factly, “I’m putting on red lipstick.” ?

Hey, wanna make a pact with me to wear red lips someday this week? Kuka on mukana?

Ystävällinen yhteisön valituslääketieteesi,




P.S. Huolehdi! Täällä he kopioivat / liitä vastauksiin kommentissa. Puhu pian!

1. exactly how well do you pull off slang?
2. What’s your preferred red lipstick?
3. Do you believe you might effectively manage being a member of a royal family?
4. What do you believe of hair vitamins?
5. Something you do when you requirement to be brave?


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

P.P.S. provide yourself a huge hug for me, will ya? ?

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